NY Post
You may notice that ther'e a TYPO in the headline! That's not my fault - someone else wrote it -- though I did call the newsroom in hopes of getting the headline fixed. In the print version, there's a headshot of Mr. Ross and it's on their first biz page, so that's good.
Went to church this morning and saw that the Focus group (the 20-30s group at my church) is having a retreat in Pennsylvania this weekend. I sent an email to the guy who is heading it up to see if it's not too late to sign up. I have been so extremely sad about what happened with Chris and his reaction to it -- saying I am a huge disappointment and that I misled him, and that he will not fondly remember our relationship, really has me feeling down. I need to get the hell out of Dodge for awhile and this seems like something that would be better for my heart and soul than drowning my sorrows at a bar all weekend (not to mention more cost-effective). We have a new pastor for the 20/30s group who's supposed to be really awesome and some of my friends at church are raving about him. I haven't met him yet, but this could be a good way to get to know him and some other people. The theme of the retreat is going to be about finding God's will for your life. Hey, I could use some help there, given all the major life changes I've gone through this year and the recurring thoughts I have about moving to Colorado.
So, hopefully there's space left on the trip! I bet I'd get to sleep in a bunk bed. Whee. Who could pass that up?
If you want to read more about my church, Fifth Avenue Presbyterian, you can click here.