Friday, October 22, 2004

Recent developments and JON STEWART SALAD

Greetings. Sorry for the lack of postings, I've been too busy trying to unravel the otherworldly language of new NASD regulations for increased supervisory controls of broker dealers. Ah, the exciting life of a freelancer!

A few quick items. I enjoyed a tasty (if heavy) lunch the other day at Palm with an old source of mine who I used to talk to a lot at the Journal, with whom I have kept in touch. He felt he "owed" me a fancy lunch because a story about him made it from the web site to the paper so he got his picture in there and felt all famous and stuff. I had a wonderful New York strip, a Ceasar salad, creamed spinach (gooey goodness!) and an insanely wonderful piece of cheesecake. Um, I think I need to go jogging.

Speaking of salad...on Tuesday I hit the gym and afterward stopped by a small, pretty nice grocery on 14th and 6th Ave. to pick up some ingredients for a salad. I like to eat big salads for dinner sometimes. So I'm walking around not paying much attention because I have my iPod on. Encumbered by my retardedly oversized gym bag, I try to squeeze by this dude near the fancy schmancy prepared-foods cooler and he's polite, moving aside and saying "sorry." I get up to the register and take my headphones out b/c it's rude to leave them in. Then I hear a familiar voice next to me. I look over and it was the guy from the prepared-foods section -- JON STEWART!!!!!

I have a lot of celebrity sightings in New York (recent ones that come to mind include Adrien Brody in Soho, Nicole Kidman at the gym, Roberto Benigni in Soho, Julianne Moore at the gym) and frankly I don't usually care a whit. But my roommates and I totally heart Jon Stewart and his show is EN FUEGO this year. Democrats and red-staters alike can appreciate his insanely smart humor, skewering politicians and their insane pomposity no matter their party.

So, it was all I could do not to scream, "Oh my gosh, Jon Stewart, my roommates and I totally love you!!!!!" as I openly gaped at him underneath his baseball cap. Then, like a flash, he was gone.


So I came home and made my salad, which turned out to be quite delicious. Since I was too chicken/too nice to bug Jon Stewart while he was innocently going about his business and picking up a few items (which I was too busy gaping to notice what they were), I have decided to name the said delicious salad after him.

recipe: The Jon Stewart Salad.

Mix approx. 2 parts baby spinach leaves with 1 part arugula.
Mix/shake a good portion of balsamic vinegar with a splash of a nice olive oil.
Pour dressing on greens and toss.
After putting the greens on two big plates, on the top, add:
Walnut halves, broken in 1/4s
Gorgonzola cheese, crumbled
dried cranberries
roasted corn (optional)

It's vinegary, it's cheesey, you've got your protein, your vitamin A, your greens, your veggies and your fruits, which balance out the cheese nicely. The walnuts give it a nice crunch.



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