Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Charm of the Geeks

Stephanie Zacharek has a nice column todayin Salon laying out the appeal of one of my favorite shows on television, Beauty and the Geek. I especially like the intro, which I relate to all too well. I remember being in first grade and getting my first paper back that didn't have a big star on it. It had a zero with a dash after it (as in, zero wrong), in red. Heart palpitating wildly, I ran home from school with the paper in hand, wondering what I could have possibly done wrong, how I could have messed up and gotten something wrong, until my mother gently explained that "zero dash" was the same as a big star. I suppose I've always thrived more than some on praise and perfection and head-patting, though once I started calculus, it became immediately evident that I'd have to find my satisfaction elsewhere.


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