
Monday, July 17, 2006

The Post In Which I Blow Up The Second Vehicle In a Month

After my car blew up in New Jersey, affording me the "opportunity" to spend my day with a man named Bubba towing it off to a junkyard, I was exceedingly grateful when my brother offered to loan me his second car -- a 1981 VW Westfalia van, something along the lines of what I'd always wanted to own, anyway.

I had hoped to spend many a happy weekend in Colorado camping in my new orange pop-up dream, making cowboy coffee in the morning whilst gazing out serenely onto the mountains. On Sunday, to celebrate the hottest day of the year (103! 103!) in Denver, I decided to embark upon a 10-mile hike with 2,000-foot elevation gain near Evergreen. To get a jump on the heat, I arose at the marginally-daylit hour of 5:30 a.m. and went to gas up the car. But of course, I should have known better than to plan on driving anywhere, because when it comes to motor vehicles I apparently eminate the "magnetic field of destruction and scuttled hopes."

Once I had spent approximately four hundred and ninety two dollars filling the tank, the poor old van wouldn't start. Numerous attempts were made, batteries were jumped, engines were flooded. But eventually, it was AAA to the rescue again and my brother's car was dumped unceremoniously in the parking lot of a repair shop that still hasn't called to tell me what the hell is wrong with the thing, or even when they'll be able to diagnose it, which is too bad because I had planned to put-put up to Aspen this coming weekend and hike with a girlfriend 10 miles through the wilderness to Conundrum, the famous NAKED HOT SPRINGS of Colorado.

I guess I'll just have to turn on the tub and get naked at home. Or, I'll stop feeling sorry for myself and invest in a rental that has fewer than 300,000 miles on it.

ANYWAY, my brother in law was nice enough to loan me his car for the day. I drove up to Evergreen, slogged out the gorgeous 10-mile hike, and at the top made this new friend, with whom I shared my lunch. Rodents here are so much cuter than they are in New York.


Blogger Mike said...

You are the grim reaper of motor vehicles.

9:41 PM  

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